Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Ally groups are celebrating 30 years at Ohio State in October with GLBTIA History Month.

Rachel Miller, social justice program coordinator at the OSU Wexner Hillel Foundation, said it is amazing GLBTIA is celebrating 30 years of solidarity.

“The support for the GLBTIA community at Ohio State has really come full circle, and the activities in the month of October exemplify the unity of the GLBTIA organizations.”

The mission of GLBTIA is to provide advocacy, education, resources and referrals for OSU students through different functions and activities.

Brett Beemyn, coordinator of GLBTIA student services, said the events will allow people to come together in an open and fun atmosphere.

“We appreciate diversity at Ohio State and we invite anyone and everyone to come to all the events,” Beemyn said.

The month kicks off with a catered dinner on Oct. 5, featuring gay alumni speaking about their experiences at OSU. The dinner will be held at the Frank Hale Black Cultural Center starting at 6 p.m. Advanced tickets are $10 or $12 at the door.

Two main events during the month are a concert by Angela Motter and a lecture by Keith Boykin.

Motter is a transgender singer/songwriter. She won the 1999 Gay and Lesbian American Music Award for her song “My Mama Told Me.” Motter will be at Woody’s in the Ohio Union on Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m.

Boykin, the highest-ranked openly gay White House employee under President Clinton, is one of the country’s leading commentators on issues of race and sexual orientation. He will give a lecture entitled “From Plantation to Abomination: Sex, Lies and Race in America.” The lecture is scheduled for Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m., in the 209 West 18th Building, Rm. 160.

“The events GLBTIA has planned provide information to students and they can learn something from each of our guests,” Beemyn said.

National Coming Out Day is Oct. 11. A traditional rainbow flag raising will take place at the Ohio Union at 11:45 a.m. followed by a rally at Bricker Hall. The theme for Homecoming 2001 is “There is no place like Homecoming for coming out.”

During the month of October, women can take a free self-defense course. The course meets for two hours each week for five consecutive weeks. Classes meet Thursdays, beginning Oct. 4, or on Saturdays, beginning Oct. 6. To sign-up contact the Rape Education and Prevention Program at 292-0479.

Student groups of GLBTIA invite all students to join them at the “Come as You Were, Are, or Want to Be” dance and give back to the community. The dance takes place on Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. in Hillel. A portion of the $5 ticket will be donated to the Columbus AIDS Task Force. Students are also asked to bring a canned good to donate to local shelters.

All events for GLBTIA history month are sponsored by GLBT Student Services, Student Gender and Sexuality Services, FUSION, Jewish Queers, Hillel, PRIDE, the Student Affairs Diversity Council, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and OSU Homecoming.