There is something a little sad about Veronica Falls’ new album. The implication of such an album title as “Waiting For Something To Happen” is that Veronica Falls is a bit downtrodden. 

It is a bit difficult to describe the band in any way that has not been written about before. “Indie-pop” might fit best for the band, and honestly, that is rather bland. Veronica Falls’ brand of jangly, surf-infused pop-rock is as tired as your high school prom’s theme. They are not trend innovators but rather have fallen into a league of artists including the likes of Surfer Blood and Dum Dum Girls. 

That does not make listening to Veronica Falls a begrudging task. Even if its sound is not revolutionary, there is surely some musical benefit to the band. 

Veronica Falls’ second album to date, “Waiting For Something To Happen,” is a solid collection of approachable songs that are as easy to relate to as they are on the ears – even if the songs might fall into this cage of indie-pop. 

One of the first songs on the album is “Teenage,” which resembles the life period the song title suggests. It is a realistic representation of youth and the relationships that occur with their delicate emotions. It is sing-songy and reeks of endearment in its melody and lyricism: “What are you gonna do? / I’ve been waiting a while to take you / Your fans wouldn’t understand / When I’ll leave holding your hand.” The message is driven home all the more as it is sung by guitarist Roxanne Clifford.

Veronica Falls’ second album holds more blissful melodies than the band’s first self-titled album. One of the singles from that first album, “Found Love in a Graveyard,” has a far more dreary texture than the second album’s “My Heart Beats” or “Teenage.” 

This is not to say that the second album is happier – it is not too easy-going. The second album seems to serve – as the “Teenage” example showed – a reflection to a more basic time (with classic, “when we were young” songs) but in a manner that is more in regret as opposed to in reminiscence. “Shooting Star” feels like a long walk home, or getting lost in your thoughts at an age before that became irresponsible. 

The nuances Veronica Falls add to the ethereal, jangly sound are worth reckoning, but it requires a more intimate listen and an ear for subtlety. Otherwise, it is easy for Veronica Falls to fall to the wayside.


Grade: C+