Hello, and welcome to “Sex Talk” with yours truly, Regina Squeri.

As literate human beings with access to the Internet, I am well aware that my audience more than likely has a good grasp on what sex is. I promise that I will not simply give out dry sexually transmitted infection statistics every week.

The problem is, there are way too many barriers when talking about the subject. Why is it that so many people only feel safe discussing sex with close friends at 1 a.m.? How is it that many hundreds of sexually active couples are afraid to bring it up? My ultimate goal with this column is to take away the mystery, to lift the taboo and to open up safe conversations about sex. Let’s talk about it.

That being said, I want to hear from you, my readers. Please feel free to comment and post suggestions for future topics. Very important! This is an LGBTQIA inclusive column and no topic for discussion is off limits! So hopefully I will be covering everything. We’re talking birth control, sexuality in mainstream media, proper anal technique — you name it! If it has to do with sex, I want to include it.

Also, considering that I am a 20-year-old undergrad, I am by no means an expert. Which is why I intend to feature experts such as sexuality professors, doctors and other professionals from right here at Ohio State. It’s about to get super sexy up in here.

Stay tuned for next week’s piece, a special feature for the freshmen — as well as those new to being sexually active.