Going into Rob Becker, “Defending the Caveman,” I had just accepted the fact that men are assholes and being a man, I was no exception.However, after his comical explanation of the basic differences between men and women I realized that maybe I am not an asshole but this misconception comes from our basic differences.Even the basics of watching television was explained as a difference. “Men do not just watch T.V. they become it,” Becker said. “Women have this ability to do more than one thing at a time, including watching T.V. and talking.”This example also applied to his show as I not only watched his show I became a cast member. Every incident he said reminded me of things I do.With every example I was drawn more into his show not aware of what was going on about me. My partner, Nicole, rapidly took notes “gathering” information so when we wrote these articles she would have all the details. Nicole, also helped me realize that another one of his differences where true when after the show we went back stage. I said something that totally sounded cool and thought I was being very observant. However, her view, the women’s view, did not see it this way and she turned red and got embarrassed by my observation. This, Becker pointed out, demonstrated his point that women and men view every thing different, even conversation.Becker’s play on men not stopping for directions when lost and saying that they would rather just wonder around aimlessly came at a perfect time in the show, when he forgot his own lines.