The Barnstormer restaurant, a landmark of Ohio State’s aviation at Don Scott Airport in north Columbus, is closing next month because of patron complaints and its inability to make a profit.The restaurant has been catering to OSU aviation students and pilots for 20 years. The mom-and-pop restaurant that has aviation pictures covering the walls and model planes hanging from the ceiling will have to close its doors on May 25.”There is 60 years of aviation inside the Barnstormer and it is sad to see it go,” said David Miklosovic, a candidate for a doctorate degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering.”It is really convenient and quite, a few people come from the Aeronautical and Astronautical lab to eat,” he said. Tom Lusch, a pilot who has flown at the airport since the ’70s said the restaurant is a good hangout for those in aviation. “It is like Cheers, a place to meet others with the same interest,” he said.Complaints from customers pressed the decision to close the restaurant and change operators, said Ken Newstrom, airport director. The complaints were about the quality of food, cleanliness, attitude and appearance of personnel, he said.”We have not been contacted about any complaints, written or verbal, about the restaurant,” said Laura Hockett, co-owner of the Barnstormer.Hockett said that neither Newstrom nor anyone from his office has had any connections or conversations about this issue with her or Helen Anstaett, Hockett’s partner.If there were complaints, they should have been passed on to those who need them so things could be worked out, Lusch said.”Nobody is perfect and it is just common courtesy to give the complaints to those who they are directed to,” said Lindy Lusch, a graduate student in music.”The restaurant is necessary for people who work here at the airport,” said Marvin Wright, who retired from the airport fire department and who used to fly planes at the airport. Tom Lusch said that the restaurant draws pilots from other places. Those pilots want to land where they can find food.”There are a million places to eat, but not a million where aviation people can meet,” Tom Lusch said. Hockett and Anstaett have circulated a petition with more than 200 signatures from people who do not want to see the restaurant close. Tom Lusch, president of the Central Ohio Flyers Association, will present the issue to the association, Anstaett said. The group plans to begin a letter writing campaign in order to overturn the decision.”We are looking for a better contract so this won’t happen again next year,” Anstaett said. “We are not interested in just a one-year delay.”As owners, they have the right to operate the restaurant, Anstaett said, but the university owns the equipment and the building.”The university wants to make money on the space,” she said. “We pay $100 per month for rent while OSU provides maintenance and utilities. OSU also sets the food prices for the restaurant.”Newstrom said that the Barnstormer was just not profitable.Hockett and Anstaett still have a loan to pay for the Barnstormer. The university does not cover that when the restaurant closes, Anstaett said.The two owners received a certified letter from Julie Townshed, head of vending services, telling them they had 60 days to vacate the premises, Anstaett said.”We were contacted by the director of the airport to cancel the lease,” Townshed said. Newstrom said that requests have been made for proposals to purchase the restaurant and several have expressed interest.”Newstrom has done more harm to the airport than anything else,” said Lindy Lusch.He closed an avionics shop several years ago and said he would take bids to reopen the shop, Lindy Lusch said, but he never did. She is afraid the same thing will happen with the Barnstormer.”There is a history of uniqueness that tells a story with an aviation atmosphere,” said Tom Lusch. “I hate to see it be lost.”