Many Ohio State students have the opportunity to get class notes, take quizzes, join class discussion and gain feedback from their instructors through the use of WebCT.WebCT is a software program used in conjunction with OSU’s Technology Enhanced Learning and Research . It provides distance-learning technology for students and instructors to use. It offers integrated Web course tools that can supplement a class or can be used to teach a course completely online. For faculty it enables them to create Web-based education environments with little assistance or expertise.”WebCT is like a tool kit. We have used it in two ways: To put together information to support the course we teach, and it has course notes, self tests and class discussions,” said Grady Chism, professor of food science and technology. “We also use an online course with WebCT.” Instructors can either put information on the Web themselves or with the assistance of TELR technicians or interns.A tool can be used to load a database full of questions for WebCT to make quizzes, Chism said. It can also report results and statistics that can be useful.OSU has 103 graduate and undergraduate courses using WebCT this quarter, either entirely or as a supplement. Students are also able to enroll for courses and find out their grades by using the tool.Students must have a valid OSU username activated and a password from the instructor to log on to WebCT. The password can be a combination of two letters and six numbers from the student’s initials and social security number. WebCT performs in a secure server mode to keep other people from accessing quizzes and grades that are posted.”Courses I’ve taken in textiles and clothing use WebCT, and they help. If I missed class, I can join a chat and ask questions, or I’d take a self-test to quiz myself before an exam and the instructor would grade it and get it back to me. It’s really useful for getting more support,” said Nick Long, a senior in agricultural business. “All you have to do is log in, and they give you the Web address to go to.”Eric Basinger, a junior in family financial management said courses offered on the Web are great for students who live farther away from campus and have access to the Internet. “It saves trips to the university. Last-minute trips (to OSU) are a pain because parking is always a problem and you’re not guaranteed you’ll get all the information you need,” he said. “There could be a problem with students going to class less, but if it proves effective, than that’s better, because now the university is incorporating technology into its learning.” Other TELR tools besides WebCT that the university uses to assist students and faculty can be found at WebCT is licensed to OSU and many other universities. Courses are in progress for winter quarter 2001, and internships are available with TELR for Web course development.