The Big Ten Network show “Friday Night Tailgate” aired its episode featuring Ohio State on Friday. The feature segment of the episode was an interview with Jerry DePizzo and Chris Culos of the band O.A.R.

The host of the show, Mike Hall, conducted the interview in Chicago over the summer because of the band’s busy schedule.

“I’d have to say the O.A.R. segment was my favorite part of the show,” he said.

The comical interview included DePizzo explaining what life was like living with former OSU basketball star Michael Redd in Morrill Tower.

“The hall monitor would come into our room and ask him to stop dribbling his basketball, and he would say, ‘No, gotta practice,'” DePizzo said.

Another segment called “The Teammate Game” featured a newlywed-style Q-and-A session with OSU tailbacks Brandon “Zoom” Saine and Dan “Boom” Herron. Each week, Hall asks a series of five questions to a pair of players from various Big Ten schools. The duo, which combined for 200 yards rushing and three touchdowns against Iowa, proved to know each other very well.
“‘Boom’ looks like Will Smith,” Saine said, answering which celebrity Herron most resembled. The pair combined to answer eight of the 10 questions correctly and tied for second overall of the teams that competed.

“Friday Night Tailgate” is in its third season of production.

“It’s a kind of hybrid show,” Hall said. “It’s humorous and entertaining while also being a kind of Sportscenter-style studio show.”

Hall conducts the show from a Chicago studio and he delegates to the various analysts and correspondents who preview the following day’s matchups.

The campus aspects of the show focus on a different school each week.

“We’re trying to show the fun that is had on Big Ten campuses,” Hall said.

Two of the show’s correspondents, Tim Baltz and Steve Waltien, went around OSU to highlight some of the campus’ interesting venues. Those segments were filmed in the week leading up to the show.

Baltz and Waltien explored the campus in comedic fashion, traveling to Buckeye Grove, Ohio Stadium and The Oval. They also filmed segments featuring the Aerospace Engineering Department, the rugby club, the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design. In each of these shorts, Baltz and Waltien interviewed students about the work they do while keeping it light and funny.

To see all the OSU content from the episode, visit