When I first came to college, I fell in love with cartoons all over again. Instead of occasionally watching “Family Guy” or “South Park,” my cartoons of choice, I watched them whenever I could. My new love of both shows entangled me in the age-old debate: which is better?
Initially I liked “Family Guy” a lot more. I thought Stewie was hilarious, mostly, and enjoyed the way they always picked on Meg. Actually, it was more about Stewie if I’m being honest.
Even now, when I watch it on late night TV, it’s still about Stewie. But one character does not a show make. There are upwards of four characters that make “South Park” awesome for me (Butters, Ike, Cartman, Mr. Slave, etc.). Already, “South Park” is winning.
Plot-wise, “Family Guy” is just one random joke after another. While I commend the makers of “Family Guy” on their foray into the absurd (how “Monty Python” of them), it gets old after a while. You start to expect the pointless references of “Remember that time when I (insert verb) (insert obscure celebrity) (insert how it went horribly wrong and weird)?” It’s so formulaic that I’m pretty sure a 5-year-old could do it with the same results.
“South Park” is the better show because their stories, at least in later seasons, are topical. Who could forget the episode right after the 2008 election, where it turned Obama into Danny Ocean from “Ocean’s 11?” Or the recent “Whale Wars” episode? Taking these issues and making them something we can laugh at and appreciate in a new light takes true talent.
In terms of what makes me laugh days later when I think about it, “South Park” also wins.
“Family Guy” jokes are funny the first time they’re said because there’s a kind of shock value involved, a turn in an unexpected direction that makes you laugh because it’s weird.
That value decreases with every viewing: for me it doesn’t last beyond the first. The episode of “South Park” where Butters becomes a pimp still has me laughing, and that premiered over a month ago (and I’ve watched it almost every time it’s been on since).
So which is better? “South Park.” Definitely.