“Party Thru College” by Dennis Bruce

College isn’t about self-discovery, education and it’s not a place to prepare for the “real world” — or so Dennis Bruce says in his book “Party Thru College.”

Forget what parents and guidance counselors have told you, he writes. College is a playground. And it’s designed to let 20-somethings screw up, let loose and have fun.

But screwing up isn’t as easy as it might seem. It’s a skill, an art, a way of life, even, that takes years to perfect. Anyone can flunk out, he says, but only the dedicated screw-up can stay in as long as possible, hovering between “mediocre student” and “hopeless dropout.”

Enter Bruce’s manual, which offers comedic advice to aspiring screw-ups. He covers it all, from classes and teachers to parties and wardrobes. He even coaches screw-ups on what to do if they (gasp) accidentally receive an “A.”

“The BSAT” by John Forster and Marc Segan

There is one thing sure to make stomachs churn and palms sweat — standardized tests. They loom in the corners of student minds, edged out by class work, social life and club involvement, until the day they creep from the recesses, cast a shadow on all else, and threaten to destroy ivy league dreams and professional hopes.

But now there is a new type of standardized test. It’s the BSAT, created by John Forster and Marc Segan, and students won’t find any boring word problems or irrelevant reading passages within its pages. Instead, the test energizes the mind, “as if it had jumped naked into a vodka-spiked fountain of Jell-O,” according to the booklet’s introduction.

Questions apply to students’ daily lives and inject uncensored humor into the monotonous world of test-taking. Students can even take the BSAT with friends; the test makers encourage cheating.