We are saddened to learn of the loss of Jacqueline Scott. Unfortunately, suicide is a very real and extremely sad phenomenon on college campuses throughout the United States. Ohio State is working hard to prevent suicide, to raise awareness about campus resources for students who need mental health assistance, and to reduce stigma for help-seeking on campus.
The OSU Campus Suicide Prevention Program, in its fourth year, is partnered with more than 70 campus and community offices, programs, and student groups in a campus-wide effort to reduce suicide. The program provides gatekeeper training for members of the OSU community who want to learn more about how to recognize warning signs for suicide and how to reach out to distressed students, helping them get the assistance they need. Anti-stigma and awareness campaigns remind students that people in psychological distress can find help on campus.
More than 18 percent of college students nationwide experience serious psychological distress, yet the 18 to 25 age group has one of the lowest rates of help-seeking behaviors. Although early intervention for mental and behavioral disorders offers a greater chance of recovery and lessens the chance of suicidal behavior, many students never seek nor obtain appropriate treatment. The OSU Counseling and Consultation Services, one of the major partners in the program, provides free services to enrolled students and their spouses or partners.
Students experiencing personal problems or situational crises are encouraged to contact the OSU Counseling and Consultation Services at 614-292-5766 or online atccs.osu.edu for assistance, support and advocacy. This service is free and confidential.
The Columbus Suicide Hotline, a partner with the university, provides 24/7 crisis services at their number 614-221-5445. Students, faculty, and staff wishing to learn more about the OSU Campus Suicide Prevention Program or to schedule a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program for their staff or campus organization can contact Program Manager Wendy Winger at 614-688-5829, or online at [email protected] and reach.osu.edu.
The loss of a member of the OSU community must strengthen our resolve to increase awareness and help-seeking behavior among all students, faculty and staff.
If you know someone who is talking about suicide or you believe might be at risk, reach out, listen and help get them the help they need.
If you are feeling suicidal, reach out. There are resources on campus and in the community to help. If we all work together, we can truly make suicide prevention a shared campus responsibility.
DARCY HAAG GRANELLO, project director, OSU Campus Suicide Prevention Program
LOUISE A. DOUCE, assistant vice president, Student Life
WENDY WINGER, program manager, OSU Campus Suicide Prevention Program