This weekend, Columbus residents will play volleyball, launching the ball over the 5-foot net with their feet. It’s bump, set, spike with no hands.
The sport of sepak takraw is just one activity at the Asian Festival on Saturday and Sunday at Columbus’ Franklin Park. For 16 years, the event has celebrated the richness, variety and ingenuity of Asian cultural traditions.
Representatives from 15 Asian countries will introduce the central Ohioans to the heritage and traditions of Asian-Americans. There will be many presentations, and some ask for visitor participation.
Hands-on art demonstrations, interactive dance performances, tai chi and martial arts workshops are also part of the festival.
There will be free health screenings and Asian games and food, as well.
Ohio State’s Multicultural Center is helping to promote the festival.
“We help find volunteers and advertise,” said Kashif Khan, intercultural specialist at the OSU Multicultural Center.
Festivities begin at 10:40 a.m. Saturday with the Huiguang Martial Arts Institute performing a Lion Dance. The festival concludes at 5:40 p.m. Sunday evening with an Indian Nachda Punjab Bhangra dance.
Franklin Park is at 1777 E. Broad St., and admission to the festival is free.