Indie-rock band Maps & Atlases will perform at The Basement tonight with The Globes and Tera Melos.
Formed in late 2004 after meeting in the arts community surrounding Columbia College in Chicago, the group has gathered a following in the Midwest and beyond.
Members Shiraz Dada, Chris Hainey, Dave Davison and Erin Elders began playing together with the intention of creating fun and technical music together, said Davison, the band’s vocalist.
“Since then it has been a constant progression of understanding how to make it into something bigger while still having fun,” Davison said.
With each member from a different part of the country, including Hawaii, Texas and Pennsylvania, Davison said they all bring something different to the group.
Inspired by a variety of experimental and folk music, such as the Talking Heads and Hella, Davison said the music represents a collective expression of what each member brings to the group.
Newcity: Street Smart Chicago critic Tom Lynch described the group as a complicated collection of “spastic rhythms with pin-prick guitar lines and slaughterhouse drums” with lyrics that sound jammed together.
“Overwhelming to say the least, this isn’t a band that will put you to sleep but is certainly one to experience live, just to see how the foursome pulls off such musical complexity,” Lynch said.
Davison said the band enjoyed experimenting with technical music on its earlier EPs but has since become better at incorporating more balance into its songs.
In 2009, the band was named the best band in Illinois as part of The Boston Phoenix article “50 Bands, 50 States.”
In June, the band released its first full-length studio album, “Perch Patchwork,” with producer Jason Cupp, who has also worked with rock band Finch.
Davison said although the album is still fresh, the band will continue to tour and gain perspective about life to further influence song writing.
He said fans can expect to see a fun show with a healthy mix of spontaneity.
“I love Columbus. One of my best friends went to OSU, and the whole city just has a good vibe,” Davison said. “From the North Market to (Dirty Frank’s) Hot Dog Palace.”