From a crackhead boxer to dream-stealers, cute dragons to lesbian ballet dancers, and Facebook to video games, 2010 was a year ripe with solid films touching on a variety of topics. The Lantern takes a look back at the 10 best flicks of 2010.
10. “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”
While “Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz” director Edgar Wright’s comic book adaptation might have fallen on deaf ears at the box office, “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” found a cult following of fans that can’t sing the film’s praises any higher. In fact, Wright captured the comic’s nostalgia of 8-bit video games and cheesy superhero films so well that one might almost forget that Michael Cera is, yet again, up to his one-trick pony shtick.
9. “The Fighter”
With serious boxing films becoming commonplace at Oscar season seemingly every year, “The Fighter” stands out with a bravura performance by Christian Bale as the crack-addicted, former boxer Dicky Ecklund. The film’s documentary feel, as well as solid performances by Amy Adams and Mark Wahlberg, make “The Fighter” a fresh film in an otherwise stale genre.
8. “The Kids are All Right”
The indie darling of 2010, “The Kids are All Right,” tells the none-too-glamorous tale of teenagers dealing with the realities of being raised by lesbian parents. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore turn in performances that make this dramedy about the trials and tribulations of family life work.
7. “How to Train Your Dragon”
DreamWorks may finally be creeping out of Pixar’s shadow. “How to Train Your Dragon” is the studio’s first film to be more than just a brainless kid’s film; one that has a soul rather than a knack for pop-culture references and fart jokes. While it still didn’t quite strike the emotional chords “Toy Story 3” did, “How to Train Your Dragon” was a welcome sign of maturity for a studio that has, until now, favored quantity over quality. And how cute is that freaking dragon?
6. “Inception”
It’s hard for Christopher Nolan not to hit a home run these days. The hit director’s intermediary effort between “The Dark Knight” and its follow-up, “The Dark Knight Rises,” provides an action-packed look into the realm of dreams. An A-list cast, top-notch direction and cool visuals make “Inception” a solid flick, despite an overload of exposition that brings down the film’s pace.