The Gateway Film Center will be showing the film “GasLand,” directed by Josh Fox, Monday as a part of the Columbus International Film and Video Festival. Gateway Film Center will be hosting a panel discussion following the premiere of the film with guests Don Hartley, Will Stetzel, Cheryl Johncox and Matt Trokan to answer questions about the film, its impact and their respective organizations.
“GasLand” focuses on the issue of “fracking” in order to extract natural gas from the earth. “Fracking” is a method of man-made fracturing of the earth that allows natural gas to seep through and be captured for sale. Although fracking is commonly used, “GasLand” seeks to expose the real effects that fracking has on both the people and the environments around the country in which this method is being used.
Panel members Hartley and Stetzel are both residents of the Raven Rocks Community of eastern Ohio that has been affected by the fracking process. Fellow speaker Johncox is a member of the Buckeye Forest Council, a grassroots organization whose focus is preserving and creating a personal pride in Ohio’s forests. The BFC is opposing hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” in Ohio’s forests. Trokan is a member of the Sierra Club, another grassroots organization that seeks to “protect our communities and the planet,” and will round out the panel.
People of all ages can benefit from watching the film, according to Meghan Vesper, sales and marketing manager at Gateway Film Center.
“I know a number of people in their 30s, 40s and 50s who continue to be open-minded and eager to learn,” she said.
“GasLand” is just one of a multitude of politically-charged films being shown by the CIF+VF this year. The CIF+VF aims to “honor and screen the work of makers whose creations of vision, beauty and power help us understand the complexities of our world by using their committed artistry to touch our minds and hearts,” according to
The CIF+FV is a local film council that holds screenings of their chosen films at different Columbus locations throughout the year. This particular film, “GasLand,” will only be shown at the Gateway Film Center.
Although the film will be showing near campus in the South Campus Gateway, students are not the only ones who will benefit from the political undertones that the film and the panel have to offer.
“We have a much more diverse audience than many people initially think,” Vesper said. “While we do have a large number of college students see movies here, young professionals and families also routinely come here as well,” Vesper said.
Tickets for admission will cost $5 to view the film but will also admit patrons to attend the panel discussion following. All proceeds from the viewing will benefit the Sierra Club and the CIF+VF.