Some Ohio State students might find it difficult to sublease their houses and apartments for the summer months this year since the semester conversion makes for an unusually short summer.
According to the Office of the University Registrar, the last day of Spring Quarter finals is June 7, and classes for the Autumn Semester begin Aug. 22.
Willie Young, senior director of Neighborhood Services and Collaboration, said subleasing this summer will be difficult for students.
“We met with the landlords in September 2010 to get them ready for this rental season,” Young said. “This summer is a one-time occurrence, transitional summer and is a shorter period of time than normal.”
Spring Commencement is June 10, and most leasing contracts for the 2011-2012 academic year expire July 31, so students looking to sublease will need someone to take over their leasing contracts for the duration of those 50 days, Young said.
Jeff Dulle, owner of 1st-Place Realty, said it is too early to tell if tenants will have a problem finding people to take over their leases for the summer.
“It seems like it could be more difficult, but we haven’t been through it yet,” Dulle said.
Dulle has heard from two tenants looking to sublease for the summer, and as of Monday neither of them have found someone to fill the spot, he said.
“It’s really a case-by-case basis,” Dulle said. “If someone wants to sublease for a month-and-a-half it’s going to be hard, whereas someone looking for a replacement for eight months will have an easier time.”
If tenants have a problem finding people to sublease for the summer, Dulle said he tries to help them out as much as possible by posting an ad to 1st-Place Realty’s website. However, the best thing to do is post an ad on Craigslist, he said.
In addition to privacy policies Craigslist enforces, students should always use caution when using the website.
John McDermott, a third-year in city and regional planning, said he is looking to sublease his bedroom in a house north of campus because he acquired an internship in Cleveland for the summer.
McDermott said he posted an ad on the Off-Campus Student Services website at the beginning of March and an ad on Craigslist at the end of March after receiving no replies to his initial posting.
“I think I haven’t heard anything because it is so far ahead of time, but I think mine is a good enough deal to where it will go pretty quickly,” McDermott said.
Allyson Campbell, a second-year in mechanical engineering, said she is trying to sublease her place for the summer because she got an internship in Lorain, Ohio. Campbell has to sublease an apartment in Lorain and said she wants to “even out her expenses” by finding someone to sublease her bedroom on North Campus.
Campbell said she posted an ad on the Off-Campus Student Services website the week of March 19 and after receiving no replies, she decided to post an ad on Craigslist.
Campbell has received several responses from the ad and is meeting with someone this weekend to show her property and discuss the terms of a summer sublease.
“I actually got three emails right away after Craigslist,” Campbell said. “I didn’t get a response until I posted it there.”
If Campbell doesn’t find someone to sublease her bedroom, she said she will have to pay rent at two separate apartments this summer.
Young said a good resource for students trying to sublease is the Roommate Fair scheduled from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. May 11 at the Ohio Union.
“The Roommate Fair is for people who post ads online to meet face-to-face and talk about everything,” Young said. “There are a lot of students who try to sublease every summer.”