The Alpha Rho Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Ohio State has been placed on interim suspension pending an investigation of possible violations of the student code of conduct.
Members of Pi Kappa Alpha, commonly known as “Pike,” are unable to participate in activities during Greek Week, a week of games and service events for sororities and fraternities.
An incident report released by the OSU Police Department April 24 reads, “We served an interim suspension letter from The Office of the Vice President for Student Life to Michael Wadas.”
Michael Wadas, president of Pi Kappa Alpha at OSU, said that although there is an investigation, “Nothing serious is going on.”
“I can assure you right now that we’re not going to be kicked off campus or anything like that,” Wadas said. “That’s not even a possibility.”
Wadas declined any further comment.
Dave Isaacs, communications and media relations manager of Student Life, said not much can be released at this time, but an investigation is pending to ensure the fraternity acts in accordance with the student code of conduct.
“The university takes allegations of student conduct code violations, whether by students or by organizations, very seriously and conducts a full and fair investigation,” Isaacs said.
Clark Siddle, president of the OSU Interfraternity Council, said Pi Kappa Alpha is no longer recognized as an IFC fraternity chapter in good standing, pending further investigation.
“As soon as the chapter is reinstated by the vice president of Student Life as a student organization, the IFC will begin its own investigation into allegations of what we consider to be acts that go beyond violating policy, but rather, some of our most basic principles of fraternity,” Siddle said.
A police report from the Columbus Division of Police dated April 17 outlines an incident that occurred at the Pi Kappa Alpha house located at 73 E. 15th Ave.
The report narrative lists Wadas as “victim 1.”
“Listed victim states that on the above listed date and time at the listed location, he became involved in a physical altercation with suspect 1 over suspect 1 sitting on the roof smoking a cigarette,” according to the report.
The report also describes further physical altercations and describes that, after being punched in the face, “victim sought medical attention at his dentist for a tooth injury.”
The offenses the report described are listed as “assault-knowingly harm victim.”
Attempts to seek comment from Pi Kappa Alpha headquarters in Memphis were unsuccessful.
The Theta Delta Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at OSU is closed until at least 2014, after the fraternity’s national headquarters concluded an investigation and determined the chapter “sustained a culture that was incongruent with university and Beta Theta Pi values,” according to a letter released by Beta Theta Pi national headquarters April 15.