Three arrests were made at two street-wide parties last month.
According to Columbus Division of Police Commander Terry Moore, at least one of the three arrested was an Ohio State student, but Moore did not release the name of any OSU students or other individuals who were arrested.
Columbus Police released information regarding the arrests two weeks after the neighborhood block parties Woodfest, on East Woodruff Avenue on May 18 into May 19, and ChittShow, on Chittenden Avenue on May 19 into May 20, took place. The parties were shut down by Columbus Police using pepper spray.
Moore said two were arrested at Woodfest. One was charged with no operating license, driving under suspension and obstruction of official business, and the other was charged with felonious assault.
The third arrest took place at ChittShow, where someone was charged with open container, prohibition of under 21, falsification and resisting, Moore said.
While Moore said at least one OSU student was arrested, he said he was unsure if more students took part in the same actions others were arrested for.
“On both nights, there were numerous bottles and cans thrown at officers,” Moore said. “You can’t necessarily see who threw all of them.”
Along with the three arrests, Moore listed multiple citations for open container, littering, prohibition of under 21 and curfew. Moore said at least one of those citations was an OSU student, although he did not release any names.
Moore did release the number and reasons for arrests from the two parties, and also could not release the “use of force reports,” which explain the reasons pepper spray was used to dissolve the crowd.
“We can’t release use of force reports as a public record, because they contain operational and tactical plans that we wouldn’t want to get out,” Moore said.
Previously, OSU Police Deputy Chief Richard Morman said he was “fairly certain” University Police did not use pepper spray, and has since confirmed that they did not. University Police were dispatched to assist the Columbus Police at both block parties.
“We were not involved in any arrests or use of force,” Morman said.
Morman said he thinks Columbus Police handled the situation well.
Kevin Hoag, a fourth-year in molecular genetics, said he thought ChittShow was less rowdy this year than last, although no pepper spray was used at ChittShow in 2011. Multiple reports said three were arrested at ChittShow last year, compared to this year’s one arrest.
Patrick Donohue, a second-year in exploration and Chittenden Avenue resident, said ChittShow was “what was expected.”
“When you have a lot of people in one place, people are going to get rowdy, and maybe even arrested,” Donohue said.
Dina Hocevar, a fourth-year in strategic communication and resident of Woodruff Avenue, said Woodfest was “crazy” and she saw random people walking into her house during the party.
“There were about 50 people in our yard, and ours wasn’t even that crowded,” Hocevar said. “There were a couple thousand in the streets.”
Morman said one of the reasons individual houses’ parties were shut down was because residents complained about strangers inside their homes.
At Woodfest, Greg Sabol, a third-year in physics, said he watched the Columbus Police interact from inside his friend’s house on Woodruff Avenue.
Sabol said the party was generally positive among OSU students, and others, who didn’t appear to be students, could have been part of the problem.
“In a big get-together like that, where a lot of people that didn’t seem like they were students, it was not much fun, because it was not a true Ohio State party,” Sabol said. “There were so many weird people there. Fights were broken up by police, though, and it didn’t seem like an issue because police were present.”
Columbus Police Sgt. Richard Weiner said some issues came from people who were not OSU students. He said they don’t have the same invested interest in partying safely that OSU students might have.
“We encourage students to participate in student life,” Weiner said. “We’ve been to college, we know what it’s like and we’re not discouraging that. We are just telling them to stay safe.”