Letter to the editor:
An open letter to President Michael Drake
President Drake,
I wrote you a letter back in July, after Jonathan Waters was wrongfully terminated from his position as director of marching and athletic bands. In response, I received a canned statement thanking me for my concern and effectively writing me off, like everyone else who wrote in to express their outrage over this situation.
Despite the best efforts of major benefactors of Ohio State, concerned students, alumni and members of the media, you have continued to ignore anyone who disagrees with your firing of Mr. Waters. I can understand your reluctance to face people who might disagree with you, given your track record; after all, you didn’t even give Mr. Waters the decency of looking him in the eye when you fired him.
I understand how major universities work. Money talks. So if the record attendance at the TBDBITL reunion this past weekend didn’t send a message to you, and the alumni wearing paraphernalia in support of Jon didn’t get through to you, and the standing ovation he received from much of the stadium after conducting didn’t make it clear, then perhaps the amount of money that is being withheld from OSU now because of the mess you created will speak to you.
I have noticed that your response, and the university’s response, to any inquiries regarding this matter can be summarized by the following words: “We (the university) are moving forward.” President Drake, I am writing to you to set the record straight. YOU are not OSU. WE, the students and alumni, are OSU. WE are not going anywhere. You are not a Buckeye, and so you fail to understand the true culture of this university, including the band and extended band family. We do not abandon each other; we do not betray each other; we do not move forward without one another.
Allison Zarem Skaggs
Class of 2011, B.A. in political science