It might be warming up, but “Frozen” is coming back.
The news of “Frozen 2” was announced at Disney’s annual meeting of shareholders Thursday morning.
“Frozen” is an Oscar-winning animated movie, released in November 2013, about sisters banding together with the help of a snowman to save a kingdom.
No release dates or production details have been set yet for the sequel. But whenever it comes out, I anticipate another storm of Princess Elsa dresses and stuffed Olafs flying off the shelves along with my newsfeed being full of parodies asking to go to Starbucks or Chipotle or some other white girl paradise.
That’s one thing I don’t understand about the Frozen frenzy. Yes, I get young girls loving a story about sisterhood over charming princes. A story that encourages girls to own their powers and gifts is a good story.
But college students fangirling over animated movies is something I just don’t get. Have you not seen MTV? TLC? Or “Rent”? I definitely prefer Idina Menzel in that.
I also just don’t get the line “some people are worth melting for.” I get people changing together and growing stronger together. But melting? No. This isn’t a relationship column though.
Another thing worth asking is: Does every movie these days really need a sequel? From “The Avengers” to “Ted” to “Zoolander,” it seems like any remotely successful movie now needs a slightly less attractive younger sibling.
Even debating the necessity of sequels has become a common occurrence. “Why can’t production companies make original content?” bellow moviegoers while shaking their fists in the air. But then we go back to watching “16 & Pregnant,” “Teen Mom” and “My Teen is Pregnant and So Am I.”
There’s consumer comfort in predictability, in what is known. I’m sure production companies are comforted knowing that no matter what, “Frozen” DVDs and dolls will fatten their bank accounts. Instead of fighting it, perhaps we should just accept it and let it go.