Credit: Madison Curtis / For The Lantern and Michael Huson / Campus Editor
Two rapes were reported between Nov. 2 and Nov. 6. The first incident was reported to have occurred at a South Campus residence hall on Nov. 1. It was reported by an OSU staff member. The second incident was reported to have occurred near West Campus on Nov. 4. It was reported by a student. Additional information could not be provided by University Police, as investigations into both incidents are pending.
- An assault by a known person was reported in Bricker Hall on Friday afternoon.
- An assault was reported at the corner 1800 block of Fourth Street just after 3 a.m. The suspect refused to leave the bar and struck the victim while biting him on the arm. The victim was able to restrain the suspect until police arrived.
- 3.A slew of open container arrests were made in the Polo parking lot in the hours leading up to the Ohio State-Minnesota game. A total of 11 arrests were made, none involving Ohio State students.
- An assault was reported at the corner of North High Street and East Fifth Avenue in the early morning hours of Tuesday. The arrestee was an ex-boyfriend of the victim and struck her multiple times to the face because he was upset about the victim’s new boyfriend.
- A menacing incident was reported to have taken place just after 3 p.m. on Sunday at the corner of North High Street and Seventh Avenue. The victim, a COTA bus driver, reported that the suspect threatened her as she drove the bus.
- A man was arrested for criminal trespassing in Schoenbaum Hall. The incident took place on Wednesday at approximately 5:45 p.m.
- Police are searching for a suspect connected to multiple trespassing incidents at the Kroger on North High Street on Nov. 2. The complainant reported that the suspect attempted to steal a bottle of vodka from the store before being caught by an employee. The same suspect later returned to the store and stole another item.
- A theft reportedly took place just before 1 p.m. on Nov. 1 at the State Liquor store on North High Street. Two suspects entered the store and removed a high-priced bottle of cognac from the box and after circulating through the store attempted to hide the bottle in his pants while the other suspect covered for him.
Note: Crimes featured on the map do not represent the full extent of criminal activity in the campus area.