Google Crime Map. Photo illustration by Jay Panandiker | Engagement Editor
1. An incident of aggravated menacing was reported by a staff member in Jones Tower on March 22 shortly before 10 p.m.
2. A staff member from the Archbishop of St. Sophia Orthodox Cathedral at 1493 Indianola Ave. reported an incident of public indecency. The incident took place shortly before 1:30 p.m. on March 22.
3. An incident of disorderly conduct at the Biomedical Research Tower reportedly took place on Friday shortly after 1:30 p.m.
4. A robbery involving two suspects was reported at 11 p.m. in the 30 block of West Fifth Avenue. One of the suspects pushed the victim to the ground and took their wallet, which included $75 in cash. Both suspects fled on foot in an unknown direction.
5. A male non-student was cited for resisting arrest on Saturday shortly before 1 p.m. in Smith-Steeb Hall.
6. An incident of criminal damaging occurred at the intersection of East 14th Avenue and North Fourth Street. A person reported that the person’s motor vehicle fender was punched by an unknown suspect shortly before 2 a.m. on Thursday. The suspect then fled the scene.
7. An incident of menacing was reported in the 100 block of East 12th Avenue after a person told police that he was threatened with a knife over a snowball fight. The incident took place on Feb. 27 but was not reported until Thursday.
8. A staff member reported the possession of drugs by known suspects in Pomerene Hall shortly before 1:30 a.m. on Thursday.
Note: Crimes featured on the map do not represent the full extent of criminal activity in the campus area.