Google Crime Map, Photo Illustration by Mitch Hooper | Engagement Editor
1. After investigating a traffic accident that didn’t have any injuries near the intersection of West Ninth and Hunter avenues, the reporting officer placed a man under arrest and charged him with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and aggravated menacing on May 15 around 1 a.m. According to the report, the intoxicated arrestee began hitting his head on his wrecked vehicle, made threats to kill the officer and attempted to flee the scene after being informed of his arrest.
2. An armed robbery occurred near the corner of Tuller Street and Woodruff Avenue on Friday around 4:30 a.m. The victim reported the incident the following day around 7 p.m., claiming the suspect struck him with a pistol and stole his wallet.
3. After hearing a loud commotion outside her apartment building, located near North Fourth Street and East 16th Avenue, a woman saw one of two suspects strike her vehicle with a baseball bat on Thursday around 1:30 a.m. The victim confronted the first suspect, who appeared to be heavily intoxicated, and the second suspect intervened and attempted to calm the first suspect down. Both suspects left the scene before officers were able to arrive.
4. After living at an apartment complex located on East Norwich Avenue for roughly a year, a suspect reportedly caused damages to the unit totaling approximately $11,000. The landlord filed criminal damaging charges and said in the report that the unit would require repairs on all interior and exterior doors, multiple windows, kitchen appliances and numerous sections of drywall and flooring. The suspect moved out of the apartment in February, but the report was filed Wednesday.
5. According to a police report, on Friday at around 9:30 p.m. a witness saw the suspect steal the vehicle located near the intersection of West Eighth and Belmont avenues. The victim’s vehicle, a Toyota Camry, had several dents in various spots and a rear spoiler.
6. A woman not affiliated with the university, age 60, was arrested for theft on Thursday afternoon around 2 p.m. at the Scarlet Ribbon Gift Shop located on West 10th Avenue.
7. At the Jesse Owens South Recreation Center location, a female student had her BuckID stolen from her coat pocket while working out on Wednesday around 4 p.m.
8. At Midway on High, located on North High Street, a woman was struck in the forehead by a bottle thrown by an unknown suspect causing a small laceration on May 15 around 1:30 a.m. The Columbus Fire Medic 7 team responded to the incident and applied an adhesive bandage on the victim’s forehead. No arrests were made.
Note: Crimes featured on the map do not represent the full extent of criminal activity in the campus area.