Northeastern side of Jones Tower, located on 123 W. Lane Avenue. Credit: Ris Twigg | Assistant Photo Editor
An Ohio State student was arrested and charged with the rape of a female student Sunday morning in Jones Tower.
Devon Prevost, a 19-year-old second-year in communication, was arraigned on rape charges Monday in the Franklin County Municipal Court, according to court documents. The bond is set at $150,000.
Court documents showed that on October 27, “no evidence was presented” in the case. As a result, the Grand Jury returned a “No Bill” after the prosecutor reviewed the case and determined that it should not be presented to the Grand Jury, meaning Prevost was not prosecuted on the charges.
The incident was reported at 2:27 a.m. Sunday morning and occurred at 1:31 a.m., according to the Ohio State Police online crime log.
According to the court affidavit, the female student was “pleading for help” to her roommate on the phone while in Jones with Prevost. The document details the female student’s roommate was following her location with an app.
The female student’s roommate called University Police to report the incident, according to the affidavit.
When University Police took Prevost into custody, Prevost said “nothing happened,” according to the affidavit. However, when in questioning, the affidavit said he told officers he believed the female was intoxicated while he engaged in oral sex with her on his bed.
The female student reported Prevost pressured her to drink more alcoholic beverages throughout the night and took her to his dorm, though she told him she wanted to go to her residence, according to the affidavit.
“In addition to the police investigation, the matter has been referred to Student Conduct for appropriate action under the university’s student disciplinary process. Because there is an ongoing investigation, we do not have additional details to share at this time,” a statement from Ohio State read.
Update, 4:18 p.m.: this article has been updated to include information regarding the court affidavit, Ohio State’s statement.
Updated, 1:15 p.m., June 29, 2018: this article has been updated to include information that Prevost was never prosecuted for the charges.