Rapper G-Eazy performs at Express Live on Thursday Aug. 23, 2018. Credit: Ethan Clewell | Senior Lantern Reporter
G-Eazy and P-Lo have always dreamed of this moment. The pair have grown up as friends their entire lives, and always thought of the time they’d be on the same stage together.
Thursday, as part of their Endless Summer Tour, they continued to live out that dream, and we got to be a part of it.
Going in, I had never heard of P-Lo, but I had seen G-Eazy in concert.
P-Lo came out onto the stage at EXPRESS LIVE!, with an explosive energy. G-Eazy must have been looking for a hype-man when going on tour with P-Lo. His bouncy, high-energy performance got the crowd involved and excited. P-Lo recently dropped his second album, called “Prime.”
P-Lo was strictly a producer until he discovered his voice, which allowed him room for mistakes. P-Lo had strong vocals, and definitely brings the bass back to hip-hop. I do not think many G-Eazy fans were familiar with P-Lo prior to this, but they have a reason to be now. He had amazing crowd feedback and even brought some fans on stage.
When G-Eazy announced The Endless Summer Tour — I was confused. He hadn’t released any new albums, so I didn’t know what he could be promoting. At the 2018 ESPYS, G-Eazy said he announced the tour because he was excited to get back in front of fans.
The lights shut off and the screens went black and white. You could feel the anticipation of the crowd. G-Eazy broke the silence, asking the crowd, “Ohio, are you alive?” The crowd exploded.
He opened the show with “Pray for me,” high fiving fans in the crowd. . He cleverly mixed in the words “Ohio” and “Columbus” in a lot of his lyrics. The crowd began to wind down when he said, “Ohio, are you ready for a legendary night?” to open his song “Legend.” He played his classic songs like “I Mean It” from his album “These Things Happen,” released in 2014.
Originally, he wasn’t supposed to play in Columbus, but said he appreciated the fans from his previous shows in Ohio’s capital so much that he had to return to show some love.
G-Eazy shared his opinion on Donald Trump, calling him a “bigot,” and encouraged everyone to vote. There were individuals walking around with clipboards registering young fans to vote.
Overall, G-Eazy delivered, which is what I expected. This time, he had some help from a good friend, which made it that much more relatable. His whole performance was energetic, and flowed together smoothly.