Moritz College of Law offers Ohio State students not looking to leave Columbus an option to pursue a career in law. Credit: Casey Cascaldo | Photo Editor
For Ohio State students considering law school, the Moritz College Of Law could be an option for those hoping to stay in Columbus.
Moritz offers more than 25 specializations and 175 electives, along with many opportunities outside the classroom. The school has an annual Washington, D.C., Summer Program directed by professor Chris Walker that invites 20 students to meet with alumni and undergo specialized internships with prominent institutions, such as the U.S. attorney’s office, the Supreme Court and the CIA.
“I work with them to figure out what they want to do with their lives. Then I place them with various opportunities at D.C.,” Walker, a former practicing attorney who has worked extensively in administrative law for over a decade, said. “The idea is just to get them experience and get a good sense of all the opportunities you can have as a lawyer.”
According to US News, Moritz ranks at No. 32 — tied with five — among the 203 law schools ranked by the publication. The three-year law program at Moritz places an emphasis on both traditional and nontraditional research, both for faculty and students, and much of the school’s research is used at the local, state and federal level, Walker said.
“We have a public mission that’s not just building knowledge, but helping policymakers and judges to apply that knowledge to make the law and policy better,” Walker said.
In the classroom, Moritz professors work with students to find their passion before the start of their second year, assigning them a career adviser to help them focus throughout and beyond their academic learning.
With an average in-state tuition of $30,854 and out-of-state tuition of $40,806, Moritz falls below the national average cost for law schools in terms of tuition, but is above the public institution average. Average tuition for private law schools is $47,112 and public average is $26,864, according to US News. When it comes to financial aid, Moritz awards more than $3.5 million annually.
Sandy Shaba, a first-year graduate law student, said scholarships motivated her decision to choose Moritz and is hoping Moritz will provide a positive law school experience.
“I am looking forward to getting some experience this summer and working in the real legal field,” Shaba said.
Walker added that there’s an interesting advantage to being a part of the Buckeye brand.
“I think if you’ve got Buckeye pride or want to be an Ohioan on the national stage or the state stage, this is the place where you can get the education and connections that you need,” Walker said.