Students boarding an East Residential bus at the temporary Arps Hall bus stop. Credit: Cori Wade | Assistant Photo Editor
The Arps Hall bus stop has been moved to a temporary location just north of the Arps Garage exit on College Road.
The stop was originally moved to High Street in early June due to the closing of College Road. After the reopening of the road prior to the start of classes, the stop was relocated again to the Arps Garage location, Nicole Holman, assistant director of marketing and communications in the Office of Administration and Planning, said.
For some students who take the bus, the change in the location of the stop came as a surprise.
“I saw the construction and saw the normal Arps stop was closed, so I just assumed the whole stop was closed because I didn’t see anything about it being moved,” Kevin Perozeni, a third-year in forestry, fisheries and wildlife, said.
Holman said the university shared the information that the bus stop was moved through communication channels such as websites, social media, e-newsletters and real-time bus tracking on the Ohio State app.
“The bus stop was moved for exciting work taking place on the nearby home of the Arts District,” Holman said. “The project envisions high quality, modern learning environments for interaction across arts disciplines.”
Holman said the construction is also going to include work to enhance the roadway and pedestrian access on that area of campus.
Holman said there is no information on when the construction will be completed in the Arts District, so the opening of the old bus stop will be determined based on when the construction ends.
The $161.6 million Arts District project includes a renovation of Weigel Hall and new Department of Theater performance spaces, classrooms and recital halls, according to a May press release.