Members of Fishbowl Improv will be performing “The One Crazy Night Show” on Sunday in the Maudine Cow Room in the Ohio Union. Credit: Courtesy of Fishbowl Improv.
Most comedy shows seek to be a night to remember. Fishbowl Improv’s upcoming show will focus on a night its members forgot.
Fishbowl Improv — a student organization that specializes in improv comedy — performs shows every other Sunday, and this week it is bringing its latest, The One Crazy Night Show, to the stage at the Ohio Union.
The One Crazy Night Show traces through the experience of waking up after a party and piecing together what happened the night before, Ian Gray, a fourth-year in public policy analysis and host of the show, said.
The show will feature different forms of improv, including longform, games and a scripted portion, McKenzie Fleischer, a fourth-year in theater and Fishbowl member, said. She said the two longform sections will be about 20 minutes long, and after intermission the group will take on a storyline surrounding The One Crazy Night Show.
Fleischer said the show will appeal to a lot of college students because its theme is something many can relate to.
“You wake up and you’re like, ‘What happened last night?’ And you’re sort of figuring it out. And it’ll be fun because the audience will sort of get to figure it out with us, so it should be pretty satisfying,” Fleischer said.
The show is one of the group’s SNFs, or “Sunday Night Fishbowls,” which is a spoof on Sunday Night Football, Gray said.
“We’ve had shows before like ‘The Tomato Show,’ where the audience threw tomatoes at us or something like that, you know, just something ridiculous to kind of give it some variety,” Gray said.
Fleischer said Fishbowl Improv members get together at the beginning of the semester to discuss different improv show ideas, such as The One Crazy Night Show and then vote on which will come to fruition throughout the semester.
“I think that someone was like, ‘What if we just did a show that was about a crazy night?’ And we love really weird show themes,” Fleischer said.
Fishbowl Improv will present “ The One Crazy Night Show” at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Ohio Union Maudine Cow Room. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m., and admission is free for all, which Gray said is a guiding principle of the organization.