Ohio State released annual campus climate survey in conjunction with 32 other universities. Credit: Casey Cascaldo | Photo Editor

 Ohio State extended its state of emergency another week. Credit: Casey Cascaldo | Photo Editor

Ohio State’s state of emergency was extended to May 9, according to a Saturday universitywide email.

University President Michael V. Drake said in the email that the university will extend the state of emergency to May 9 due to COVID-19. The state of emergency, which was originally announced March 22 and is reviewed on a weekly basis, allows leaders at Ohio State to use Disaster Leave (Policy 6.28) and gives the university “flexibility in making a variety of financial decisions over an extended period if necessary,” the email said.

According to the email, an announcement regarding fall semester plans should come by mid-June, and the post-pandemic task force is continuing to monitor the spread and impact of the coronavirus.

Drake told The Lantern April 23 that faculty and staff could likely begin returning to campus in the coming weeks.