On Tuesday afternoon, around 50 people attended the Graduate Student Labor Coalition demonstration outside of Bricker Hall where some of the university’s administrative office are. 

They said they were protesting the treatment of graduate students working and learning at Ohio State and demanded three things. 

They demanded that the university reinstate the cost of living adjustments, that the university allow graduate students to opt out of in-person activities and for the university to meet with the Labor Coalition to address letters that had previously received no response.

Instructors and all other employees with concerns about returning to campus can receive an accommodation online, university spokesperson Ben Johnson said in an email. 

“We appreciate the role that student government plays in sharing the views and concerns of constituents. The university has engaged with graduate students throughout the planning process for autumn semester, and we will continue to work with the Council of Graduate Students to address their concerns,” Johnson said. 

Ohio State’s freeze on all annual compensation increases is set to continue through the end of the fiscal year 2021.