All Ohio polling locations are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for in-person voting Tuesday, according to the Ohio Secretary of State website. Credit: Christian Harsa | Assistant Photo Editor
Many students have already voted, but come Election Day others will vote in person on campus and off campus, by driving hours to their home polling locations or by dropping off absentee ballots in drop boxes.
To make the process easier, The Lantern compiled information on the voting process students can expect to follow this Election Day.
All Ohio polling locations are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for in-person voting Tuesday, according to the Ohio Secretary of State website.
Follow the latest from The Lantern on Election Day here.
Where to vote
Most students registered to vote with their on-campus housing address will cast their votes at the Ohio Union, according to the Franklin County Board of Elections website.
There are a few exceptions:
Students registered to vote with their university address and live in the Residences on Tenth, German House, Neil Building, Pomerene House, Pennsylvania Place, Scholars East and West houses, Hanley House and Worthington will cast their votes at the King Avenue United Methodist Church near Neil Avenue.
Students registered to vote with their university address and live in Lincoln and Morrill towers will cast their votes at the St. Thomas More Newman Center Church on West Lane Avenue across from Houston House.
Students registered to vote in the off-campus area can find their polling place on the Franklin County Board of Elections website.
Students living in Molyet Village Apartments at the Mansfield Campus will cast their votes at the Maddox Memorial Church of God in Christ at 1148 Walker Lake Road, according to the Richland County Board of Elections Website.
Students who live in McConnell Hall at the Newark Campus will cast their votes at Legend Elementary, according to the Licking County Board of Elections website. Students who live in Applewood Village Apartments at the Newark Campus will cast their votes at the Licking County Church of God.
Students who live off the Wooster Campus should refer to the Wayne County Board of Elections website for their polling location.
Students who live off the Lima Campus should refer to the Allen County Board of Elections website for their polling location.
Students who live off the Marion Campus should refer to the Marion County Board of Elections website for their polling location.
What if you requested an absentee ballot?
Absentee ballots needed to be postmarked by Monday. If getting a ballot in the mail in time wasn’t possible, there are still options to vote.
Absentee ballots can be delivered directly to the appropriate board of elections office by 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to the Ohio Secretary of State website.
Alternatively, if someone requested an absentee ballot but would rather vote in person, they must request a provisional ballot from their polling location, according to the website. The ballot contains the same information as a normal ballot but will not be counted until after it is verified that no absentee ballot has been received.
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced Oct. 6 that a record number of people requested absentee ballots this year. Coupled with the mailed ballot acceptance period, it could be up to 11 days after the election until Ohio’s official results are known.
Out-of-state students casting an absentee ballot should refer to their local board of elections’ websites for more information about voting.
Required documents
To cast a ballot in person, voters must provide an acceptable form of identification.
Acceptable identification consists of one of the following:
- Current photo identification, such as a driver’s license or state ID card with an address corresponding to one’s voter registration address
- Military identification card
- A copy of a utility bill, paycheck, bank statement or government document with the voter’s name and current address
A universitywide email Oct. 27 stated students can use their statement of account as valid identification. Students can print the document from the BuckeyeLink website.
COVID-19 procedures
LaRose worked with the Centers for Disease Control and the Ohio Department of Health to ensure safe polling locations amid COVID-19, according to the Ohio Secretary of State website.
The plan includes routine cleaning of voting machines and hygiene requirements for poll workers.
Although LaRose strongly encourages voters to wear a mask and practice social distancing, voters will not be denied a ballot if they do not comply.
The website also said that curbside voting will be available at some polling locations.
Free rideshare to polling locations
Lyft Ride Smart at Ohio State will offer 2,000 free rides to students on Election Day, according to an Oct. 28 press release.
Each student will be permitted one ride worth up to $10, either to or from their polling location. Voters should use the code “STUDENTSVOTE2020” to redeem their ride.
A map of boundaries for the service can be seen here.