The Outside entrance into the Jesse Owens North Testing Center

Following the first week of classes, 9.9 percent of student COVID-19 tests were positive. Credit: Mackenzie Shanklin | Photo Editor

Following the first week of spring semester classes, the vaccination rate for students, faculty and staff increased by almost one percent to reach 93.2 percent.

Ohio State has also updated part of its COVID-19 dashboard. From Jan. 10 to Friday, 9.8 percent of 18,540 PCR tests administered were positive, according to the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website. This rate includes students, faculty and staff.

According to the website, regular updates to the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes COVID-19 dashboard will resume Monday. Some metrics, such as seven-day averages for testing and positivity rates, are unavailable due to the closure of the university for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

All students living in university-managed housing are required to test weekly, regardless of vaccination status. Booster shots are available at Jesse Owens North Recreation Center by appointment.