Hale Hall, home of Ohio State’s Office of Diversity, will host Ready, Set, Prep! an event at the MLK Jr. Lounge on Tuesday. Credit: Zachary Rilley | Photo Editor
Ohio State’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion will host its semesterly Ready, Set, Prep! event at the MLK Jr. Lounge in Hale Hall Tuesday, offering ODI-affiliated scholars last-minute assistance before final exams begin Wednesday.
According to ODI’s website, this is the seventh year the organization will host this event at which students can receive tutoring, tips and resources to aid in exam preparation.
“The main goal of this and other programming that we have is to make sure we are helping students maximize their learning so that they can keep their GPA and maintain that eligibility for financial aid, which a lot of our students have,” Patti Vocal, ODI’s academic services program coordinator, said.
Vocal said students can start their day of studying with bagels and beverages from 9-10 a.m. before walk-in tutoring, supplemental instruction, a resource table and open study space from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The supplemental instruction portion of the program will focus on the College Algebra course. One-on-one tutoring is also available for a variety of courses — including biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.
“We provide tutoring during the school year and so our choice of the classes that you see on the list for Ready, Set, Prep! this year is based on how many requests we’ve had for specific classes,” Vocal said.
Divya Makhey, a fourth-year in neuroscience who tutors students in biology and physics with ODI, said her tutoring work is rewarding and she is excited for the event.
“All the tutors get on board, and we’re here for almost the entire day,” Makhey said. “It’s just a huge gathering with food, people can come in as they please in Hale Hall, ask us any questions and study there. We help guide them through any additional tips for their finals or tips regarding their specific subject area.”
Vocal said a pizza lunch will be provided for all participants around 12:30 p.m.
“Sometimes students also need a pick-me-up. Sometimes when students are studying, they forget to eat or just take a break,” Vocal said. “We’re trying to give students a space to be able to do all those things.”
Vocal said ODI scholars can come and check in at any time throughout the day to get the assistance they need.
A full schedule for final exam review sessions and walk-in tutoring can be found on the ODI website.