Two unknown suspects were reported to be menacing outside of the Alpha Epsilon Pi house, located at 244 E. 17th Ave. in the early hours of Sunday morning. Credit: Caleb Blake | Photo Editor
Two students in the Alpha Epsilon Pi house, a Jewish organization and currently unrecognized as a fraternity by the university, reported two people menacing outside of the house between 4:45 and 5:30 a.m., early Sunday morning, at 244 E. 17th Ave.
According to the Ohio Revised Code, menacing occurs when someone intentionally makes another fear for their personal and physical safety. According to the Columbus police report, the suspects were throwing bottles at the house while yelling “Jewish Bastards.”
Both victims believed the suspects were engaged “in anti-Jewish intimidation and threats.” One of the victims said the suspects pulled on a blue and yellow fraternity flag, but it was not damaged.
During an interview conducted Saturday by Columbus police, the victims obtained a firsthand account regarding the incident. One victim stated that “he initially observed the suspects for several minutes and was afraid due to their anti Jewish statement,” according to the report.
The victim said he recorded the suspects on his cell phone and called another resident of the house to drive by the suspects to try and scare them away.
According to the police report, both suspects left “northbound through the alley.”
“We are actively collaborating with university officials and local law enforcement to address the situation appropriately,” Daniel Brener, a third-year in psychology and president of AEPi, said. “In the face of adversity, we stand together against antisemitism and all forms of discrimination and call for peace and coexistence among OSU students.”