Age is just a number


A video by Saima Khan, Special Projects Producer

In a world that often associates education with youth, there is a rising number of older adults embarking on educational avenues later in life. These individuals are breaking stereotypes by mastering new skills and pursuing degrees. This short documentary, “Age is just a number,” investigates this trend and explores the inspiring stories of these older adults.

It is a challenge seeing some of the generational differences.

  – Anne Marie Todd, Military & Veterans Services student

I never used to walk into a classroom of 30 people and it’s dead silence. They’re all sitting there on their phones.

   – John Martin, Program 60 student

“Every generation has to live their own history.”

   – Gail Walter, Program 60 student

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This is the traditional mindset. [My friends] cannot imagine an older person my age dancing.

   – Kristine Aldemir, Program 60 student

Program 60 enrollment trends at Ohio State show a rise in non-traditional students over the last decade with a dip during the pandemic.

Credit: Molly Goheen | Managing Editor for Digital Content

Ohio State’s total enrollment data, based on Fifteenth Day Enrollment Report, shows growth of non-traditional students from 2013 to 2023.

Credit: Molly Goheen | Managing Editor for Digital Content

                                                   National Center for Education Statistics reports total fall-enrollment data in degree-granting post-secondary                                                     institutions for students ages 35 and older. NCES projects a 10 percent increase by 2031.

Credit: Molly Goheen | Managing Editor for Digital Content

National Center for Education Statistics reports total fall-enrollment data in degree-granting post-secondary institutions for students ages 35 and older. NCES projects a 10 percent increase by 2031.

Credit: Molly Goheen | Managing Editor for Digital Content