After a long pause, the award for Best Actor in Drama was crowned Sunday night at the 2016 Golden Globes. It wasn’t Bryan Cranston, Will Smith, Michael Fassbender, or Eddie Redmayne. It was Leonardo DiCaprio, who took home the Golden Globe for Best Actor in Drama for his role in “The Revenant,” which could be a sign for things to come as he looks to win his first-ever Oscar as Academy Award nominations are announced on Thursday.
His acceptance speech thanked Alejandro González Iñárritu — director of “The Revenant” — as filming was challenging at times. He went on to share his achievement with the people represented in the film.
“I want to share this award with all the first nations people represented in this film and all the indigenous communities around the world,” DiCaprio said in his acceptance speech. “It is time that we heard your voice and protected this planet for future generations.”
Although this was yet another landmark in what has been an already wildly successful career for DiCaprio, he has yet to be awarded the highly coveted Oscar. This comes off as puzzling for many avid moviegoers, as DiCaprio has been putting out highly rated films for quite some time now. Films from “The Titanic” to “The Wolf of Wall Street” have all been huge box-office hits, but none resulted in an Oscar.
DiCaprio’s ability to change roles has also been noteworthy, to say the least. In each film he performs in, it’s a new DiCaprio. In “The Wolf of Wall Street,” he plays a money- and cocaine-crazed Jordan Belfort. In “The Aviator,” he transforms Howard Hughes from a legendary director to an insane aviator who ultimately loses his mind. No matter the role for DiCaprio, phenomenal acting is always promised.
What does the future hold for DiCaprio? As a film fanatic, let’s hope more great movies. DiCaprio turned 41 last November, so it would seem his acting career isn’t fading away any time soon. In one word, DiCaprio can be described as “embodied.” Whatever his character may be, he embodies that role. This unique ability is best summed up by the man himself.
“I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual,” he said. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Good luck, DiCaprio.