Ohio State students get an opportunity to show off their artistic cinematography on the big screen at the Gateway Film Center.
The Student Film Fest is sponsored by OSU’s Film and Video Society and will feature short films no longer than 10 minutes. The films will be judged by members of the OSU Film Studies Program.
Evan Moreland is the primary organizer and president of the Film and Video Society, and will help continue the tradition of the film festival for the third year.
“(It is) Something that our past president wanted to start up as a way to showcase short films and videos that were created specifically by current OSU students,” said Moreland, a fourth-year in film studies.
Kylie Lebaroff, a fifth-year in nonprofit management and a member of the Film and Video Society, echoed the importance of getting student films on the big screen.
“It’s a really cool collaborative effort between the film center and OSU filmmakers,” Lebaroff said. “One of the coolest things I think is that people go to the Gateway every single day. It’s your local movie theater. And to see your own works up on the screen there is a pretty big deal.”
Moreland said he aims to sell out the theater this year.
“I’m hoping to see some quality work,” he said. “I know a few people that are planning to submit, so I’m hoping they submit films, and I’m interested to see what the student body of Ohio State can produce in terms of film and video.”
Johnny DiLoretto, director of operations at the Gateway, has a similar anticipation for this year’s turnout.
“Based on previous years, we expect some extraordinary work cutting across all genres,” he said. “The films get better every year. And every year, as people become more aware of the pool of filmmaking talent we have here in the city and right across the street, the turnout continues to grow. We expect the auditorium will be full.”
This will be the second year Danny O’Reilly has participated in the festival, with his contribution of “‘Cards Against Humanity’ Game Gone Wrong.”
“My favorite part is the fact that it gives students the chance to display their work on a big screen with a crowd,” said O’Reilly, a fourth-year at OSU studying nutrition and video art. “I think events like this are important for aspiring filmmakers who are still finding their way.”
Moreland said he hopes to see similarly creative films from students, and he thinks it’s compelling to see what students take upon themselves to do on their own time.
“I’m interested to see some really good content, and I’m hoping for a very competitive festival,” he said.
Admission to the event is free, and the festival is completely funded by the Film and Video Society’s various fundraisers throughout the year, Moreland said.
“Gateway has worked with us financially,” he said. “They’ve been generous with their rates and donating the spaces. We have a good partnership with them.”
The festival starts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday with a preshow mixer starting at 6 p.m. in the upstairs lounge of the Gateway.
Correction April 19: A previous version of this article incorrectly identified Evan Moreland’s name