Students now have nine new ways to stay fit and entertained this semester.
The new roster of group fitness options will include Sunrise Yoga, 30/30, BOSU Pilates, BOSU Blast, TRX Express, STRONG by Zumba, Cycle+Barre, Late Night Hip Hop and Power Yoga Foundations.
Ohio State group fitness coordinator Alice Adams said she keeps up with trends in the fitness industry to bring fresh classes to the university every year.
“Part of my job is just to be aware of what trends are currently in the fitness industry,” Adams said. “We work really hard to make sure that our programming at Ohio State is ahead of the trend and paying attention to what’s going on, not just at a collegiate level but at a national level.”
New classes are often added when a group fitness instructor suggests an idea for a new class to Adams.
Nicolle Beiglarbeigi, fourth-year in marketing and a group fitness instructor, said she brought up the idea of a BOSU class –– which had not been offered previously –– to Adams last year.
BOSU, which stands for “both sides utilized,” is equipment that allows you to train for multiple components of fitness, including balance, stability and strengthening the core, according to
“(Group fitness instructors) all do so many different things fitness related that whenever we come up with new ideas or things we want to bring to the university, (Adams) is always open to working with us to see if it would work for our program and if our demographics would actually like it,” Beiglarbeigi said.
Of the new classes, two will be BOSU-based. BOSU pilates will incorporate pilates movements and the use of a BOSU ball for a total-body conditioning class, while BOSU Blast is a 45-minute, high-intensity class that relies on the use of the BOSU ball.
While several new classes are being offered, only one option that was available last year, ShockWave, a rowing class that helps build strength and endurance using high-intensity circuits, will be cut.
Classes are introduced or cut from the schedule due to many factors, including instructor availability and student feedback, Adams said.
“Our schedule very much depends on the instructors that we have on staff and what they’re passionate about teaching,” she said. “We just cycle through different classes depending on what people want and what our instructors are able to teach.”
Classes on the schedule are divided by the type of workout they provide. There are eight different categories of classes with some combining more than one type of workout, such as Cycle+Yoga Power Hour, a fusion cycling and yoga class.
Adams said she is always on the lookout for new trends to help expand the variety of classes rec sports is able to offer.
“We’re always looking for new ways to reach more people. Anyone can come, that’s why we work really hard to make sure we’re offering a wide variety of classes,” she said. “We just want people to find some activity that makes them feel good that doesn’t necessarily feel like a workout that can create better lifelong habits.”
Group fitness classes are offered Sunday through Friday at the RPAC, North Recreation Center and the Women’s Field House. A full schedule of classes and their descriptions is available on the the rec sports website.