A new tool for Ohio State students to use in planning for the semester conversion is not yet being utilized by students.
Myswitch.osu.edu, a website created by the Undergraduate Student Government, was made to help students understand how the quarter-to-semester switch will affect them in the aspects of academics, athletics and around campus.
The main goal is to help students transition easily during the quarter-to-semester switch beginning Summer Quarter 2012.
“I haven’t followed it that much,” said Trey Schafer, a third-year in business.
Schafer said there have been countless emails, presentations during orientation and even booths on the Oval to inform people about the conversion, but the switch is not a concern of students right now. Schafer said there is a lot of other stuff that students have going on.
Nick Messenger, USG president, said he was not surprised that many students have not visited the website.
“As the year goes on, we will see more students using the website,” Messenger said. “My guess is that we will see more traffic in week five or six.”
Messenger spoke to The Lantern about the progress of the website thus far. He said the website turned out better than he thought because it included information from different departments.
Messenger said the website was created by Student Life Information Technology, and the total cost to create it was $3,862.50.
The website has tabs that explain how the semester change will affect many areas such as study abroad, finances and living.
There is advice about graduating under both systems, quarter and semester, and what students need to do to ensure a smooth graduation under either system.
There is also information about living on- and off-campus both during the conversion and after the switch.
Myswitch.osu.edu has received more than 4,000 hits within the first week-and-a-half of classes, Messenger said.
Messenger said he understands why students aren’t visiting the site yet. He said students probably won’t focus on the semester switch until it’s time to start scheduling classes again.
Brady Klein, a first-year in marketing, said he agreed that it is too early to think about the switch.
“Maybe not right now, but people will use it when it is closer to that time,” Klein said.
In Summer 2012, the seven-week summer term will be followed by a 14-week autumn 2012 semester, according to the Office of Academic Affairs website.
Although some students might not be using the website, it does not mean students are not aware of the quarter to semester conversion.
“Students really are concerned about the switch,” Messenger said.
Even though Nkechi Edeh, a fourth-year in human development and family science, is not planning on being here next year, she said she is keeping updated about the switch.
“I think having access to guidance counselors and the website will have students utilizing that more than ever before,” Edeh said.
The Office of Academic Affairs website encourages students to meet with their advisers before the semester switch.
Klein said he is definitely going to meet with an adviser and check out the website.
“There is a lot of unanswered questions,” Klein said when referring to his academics.
Messenger said the website has already exceeded USG’s expectations.
“The real success is that we took something so big,” Messenger said. “Where we had all these departments doing different things, and we were able to connect (them).”