Ohio State now employs more students than ever before.

With nearly 18,000 student-employees, the university has seen a steady growth of students working for it on its way to an all-time clip, up 12 percent from the year before.

The Board of Trustees’ Talent and Compensation Committee discussed the impact student workers have on the university and how employment at Ohio State better prepares them for the work force.

The Office of Student Life employs the most students at Ohio State, making up 42 percent of the 17,776 active student-employees, according to Susan Basso, the newly appointed senior vice president for talent, culture and human resources.

Of all student-employees, 24 percent of them are graduate assistants.

Many of the undergraduate student jobs come through federal work study. The program is part of FAFSA and offers students jobs on campus according to need-based aid packages.

The federal work study program is not the only way to get a student job at Ohio State, though. There is also a general job board available for all students.