“All of Everything: Todd Oldham Fashion,” features more than 70 handmade ensembles from his fashion career. Credit: Courtesy of the Wexner Center for the Arts
The Wexner Center for the Arts debuted its winter exhibitions Saturday, featuring the works of artists Anita Witek, Todd Oldham and William Kentridge.
“The one thing they all have in common is this incredible attention to detail and this incredible immersion,” Megan Cavanaugh, director of exhibitions management, said.
The Wexner Center first worked with the Rhode Island School of Design to become a venue for Oldham’s exhibition.
His retrospective, “All of Everything: Todd Oldham Fashion,” features more than 70 ensembles from his New York fashion career from 1989 to 1999, where everything is handmade, down to the buttons.
“There’s a new dress that I had a blast on when I made it 20-something years ago, where over 60 RISD students worked on it with me,” Oldham said. “That took an entire year.”
The exhibition came from Oldham’s archived clothing, many of which were creations of prismatic experimentation, made meticulously from across the globe. It took six months to put together his collection for the Wexner Center.
“I’m happy it’s so close to a teaching institution,” Oldham said. “Maybe [the students] will be able to see something inspiring.”
The Wexner Center also worked with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art after Sherri Geldin, director of the Wexner, saw William Kentridge’s “The Refusal of Time.”
Around the same time, curatorial assistant Lucy Zimmerman was working with Anita Witek to make her debut at the Wexner Center.
“With Kentridge, there’s this immersion from the video projection, and the darkness and the experience you have within it,” Cavanaugh said. “With Anita, there’s a whole different quality of being wrapped up in this space by the collage.”
While Anita Witek’s “Clip” presents a layered photomontage installation, William Kentridge’s “The Refusal of Time” displays a five-screen installation with animation, live action and music.
All three exhibitions will be on display from Feb. 3 to April 15 at the Wexner Center. Admission is free for students and $8 for the general public.