Anyone looking for a chance to write, act or direct a short play has the opportunity to participate in the “Take Out Theatre” event on Saturday at the Drake Performance and Event Center.
“The writing starts Friday night at 10,” said Lesley Fisher, a third-year in theatre and vice president of the Alpha Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, the group hosting the event.
Kyler Moor, a third-year in theatre and Alpha Psi Omega’s business officer, said the writers will meet in Room 1112, the computer lab.
Writers must turn in their scripts by 5 a.m. Saturday, said Fisher. Directors will come to Room 83 at 8 a.m. to choose which scripts they like and by 9 a.m., any actors who would like to participate in the event must show up to choose parts and rehearse.
The rehearsals will continue until 5:30 p.m., and the “tech run,” or rehearsal, will follow, Moor said. At 8 p.m., final performances will be held in the Roy Bowen Theatre.
“It’s a great way for you to be involved in a piece of theater for a really short time commitment,” Fisher said of the quick pace .
Darius Mousavi, a fourth-year in theatre, has participated in the “Take Out Theatre” event for the last two years.
“I had a blast trying to get everything together as a team in time for the 8 p.m. show, always barely making it,” Mousavi said.
The current president of Alpha Psi Omega, Carolyn Cutri, a fourth-year in theatre, had a memorable experience at the event her freshman year.
“The show I directed was called ‘This is Okay,’ and I had the joy of struggling to use fake blood packs, and a disembodied baby doll,” Cutri said.
Fisher warned that open spots were limited. Though the event is free and open to the public, there might not be enough slots to accommodate everyone.
“If we have 20 writers show up, we have to eliminate some of them,” Fisher said. “We can’t do 20, five-minute short plays.”