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Netflix has over 8,000 movie and television show titles combined available for streaming. Credit: Ris Twigg | Former Assistant Photo Editor

Maintaining a romantic relationship in college can be hard sometimes, but what about the couples who don’t even attend the same school? Luckily, with today’s technology, there are a number of ways couples can stay connected without attending the same university.

Write love letters:

Texting your partner is in many ways necessary to stay connected, but it’s also boring. Take a trip to the post office for some stamps and surprise your partner by writing them a love letter. Dot your I’s with hearts or sign your name with “x’s” and “o’s” — whatever your heart desires when you’re writing. Taking the time to write your partner a letter is a great way to remind them that you care.

Video call over dinner:

Who said you have to be in the same room to have dinner together? With applications such as Zoom, Skype, Facetime and Snapchat video, you and your partner can still connect with each other over dinner. All it takes is a laptop or phone, something to set your device against and a fire extinguisher on sight in case one — or both — of you burn the meals while cooking. 

Have a movie night together:

Movie nights are always a fun and easy date and all it takes is the chosen film and a device to watch it on. If you want to get really fancy, Netflix has a feature that allows users to watch programs at the same time. For non-Netflix users, don’t fret. Having a movie night with your partner doesn’t have to take a lot of effort. 

Play iOS games together:

For iPhone users, you can partake in some friendly competition by playing iOS games together that you can send via iMessage to one another, because nothing tells your partner you love them more than crushing them at Cup Pong. Make it more interesting by having the loser of each game send the winner flowers.