He couldn’t reveal if he had to use a life line, or whether he has gotten the home theater system he wanted, or put a down payment on a house. He won’t tell anyone until after tonight.
Four months after spending time in the “hot seat,” Erik Tracy, a psychology lecturer at Ohio State, will be able to share whether he won big money on the popular show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
His friends have tried to trick him into telling them what happened — but so far they have been unsuccessful, he said.
Tracy participated in an episode of the “Netflix Million Dollar Movie Week” series of the show, where all the questions are movie-related.
Tracy has always been interested in movies, he said, and had a film studies minor as an undergraduate. Every year, he travels to Canada with friends to see movies that aren’t typically shown in Columbus theaters.
Before appearing on the show, Tracy worked on what he considers his “weak area” — movies from the 1980s.
He watched movies such as “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” memorizing every detail. He watched the “Godfather” and other classics.
In addition, Tracy read movie-related Trivial Pursuit cards to get ready.
“It’s all luck,” Tracy said about the questions he was given and his ability to answer them.
Tracy’s episode will air today on ABC at 7:30 p.m. He has made plans to host a private viewing tonight with his friends and family, he said.