About 25 to 30 students and representatives of Students for Disability Awareness protested outside Bricker Hall Thursday.The protest came on the heels of Wednesday’s vote to continue the partnership between Ohio State and the Central Ohio Transit Authority. Representatives of the disability group claim that disabled students do not have equal access to the COTA services they are required to pay for.”We’re trying to let people know that students with physical disabilities are being hurt by this and that their issues are not being taken into consideration,” said graduate student Susan Freeman.Protesters met with Edward Ray, executive vice president and provost, and other OSU officials for most of the afternoon to negotiate.Following the meeting, the administration provided Belinda Spinosi, the group’s treasurer and spokeswoman, with an official proposal of terms. In response to the group’s demands, the university will run on a trial basis a Saturday Handivan, a service that provides transportation to disabled students within a two-mile radius of campus, beginning Saturday and extending through March 13. The university’s proposal also brings the group’s concerns to the attention of COTA officials throughout the COTA/OSU contract negotiations.”This represents our best effort today. You need to decide for yourself what you are willing or not willing to do. This is our best offer,” Ray said.Spinosi said that while the terms are an improvement over the last offer, they are not complete enough.