After graduating high school, many ex-marching band members stop practicing their instruments even though the passion to play still exists.
Practicing an instrument alone is not ideal and joining the grueling regimens of a university marching band might seem even less appealing. Musician’s Collective offers an alternative option for students to continue making music while being involved in the Ohio State community.
“We want Musician’s Collective to be a stepping stone for people trying to get into the local music scene, especially people coming into Columbus that haven’t lived here before,” said Corey Zanotti, club president and third-year in art and technology.
The group is a fusion of different instruments. Zanotti said Musician’s Collective has been trying to recruit more people that play non-rock instruments.
“Typically, we get guitarists, bassists and piano players,” he said. “We have a few banjo players and a violin player.”
The club, formerly known as Future Songwriters of America, has been making an effort to get involved with more activities outside the club. Every third Friday of the month, club members visit the Scarlet and Grey Café to sing or play music between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
“Being able to perform in a bar setting is a pretty big step for people trying to play their songs,” Zanotti said.
Those interested in joining the club do not have to worry about being surrounded by people with skills that do not match their own. The club encourages anyone who has an interest in music to attend a meeting.
“You’ll get the people that come in to one meeting and hardly know how to play guitar, but then you’ll have the kids who have been shredding for years and years,” Zanotti said.
Zanotti also said a compilation CD is going to be a goal for each quarter. Anyone who is a member of the club can record a song and have the track put on the CD. CD’s will be distributed at local record stores and any club events.
Club meetings take place at 4 p.m. Fridays in Hughes Hall. They provide a time for people to get feedback about individual music projects. Music competitions are also integrated into some of the meetings.
Musician’s Collective is putting together shows that are not just for club members.
“We want to mix [the shows] with Musician’s Collective bands and other bands on the local scene,” Zanotti said.
To find out more about the club and how to get involved, contact Zanotti at [email protected].