The Recreation and Physical Activity Center, or RPAC, is located at 337 Annie and John Glenn Ave., next to Ohio Stadium. Credit: Samantha Harden | Arts & Life Editor

The Recreation and Physical Activity Center, or RPAC, is located at 337 Annie and John Glenn Ave., next to Ohio Stadium. Credit: Samantha Harden | Arts & Life Editor

As the weather grows warmer, Ohio State students will have an opportunity to kickstart or expand their biking habits. 

“Get Into Gear,” an event jointly hosted by the Buckeye Bike Hub and the RPAC, will take place Thursday from 4-8 p.m. at the Hub, located at 337 Annie and John Glenn Ave. Alex Jimenez, manager of RPAC facility operations, said in an email that the event — which marks the Hub’s largest event of the spring — will include a refurbished bike sale, free merchandise giveaways and information on campus cycling resources. 

“The spring ‘Get Into Gear’ event is the largest Hub event we run in the spring,” Jimenez said. “[It] is a great way to kickstart bike usage around campus as the weather clears up.” 

Jimenez said the event is also meant to be an educational opportunity for students. 

“The Bike Hub takes a lot of pride in being a place where students can learn safe practices when it comes to bike usage on campus,” Jimenez said. 

Sean Bock, the Hub’s technician and logistics manager, said the campus resource has spent the winter refurbishing bikes, which are available for students to purchase. He hopes Thursday’s event will raise awareness and improve access to biking as a mode of transportation, following the extended closure. 

“It’s really just a way to gain visibility, gain recognition and get more people riding bikes on campus,” Bock said. “Ohio State is a pretty large campus, and biking can make getting around so much easier — especially for the students commuting to different parts of campus, like the agricultural or medical campuses.” 

Bock said students who attend the event will be able to test ride and purchase new or refurbished bikes. He said arriving early is key for those interested in surveying the best selection. 

“The event runs from 4-8 p.m., but we definitely encourage people to come closer to when we open because, in the past, a lot of bikes flew off the shelves,” Bock added. “If people want the pick of the litter, they should be there at 4 p.m.”

According to the Bike Hub’s website, no prior registration is required, and students can simply show up, browse available bikes and ask staff members any questions they may have. Refurbished bikes start at $50, and new bikes start at $350. 

Additional information about the Bike Hub and Thursday’s “Get Into Gear” event can be found on the Bike Hub’s website.