Ellie Goulding’s singing career continues to soar with the release of her sophomore album “Halcyon” Tuesday. And two years after her debut into the music scene with her album “Lights,” Goulding’s deep, yet feathery voice still rings true throughout her newest album.

In “Anything Could Happen,” Goulding focuses on themes involving self-realization and truth, while other songs such as “Joy” almost made my heart melt when she shed light on themes of finding love and peace from within instead of in another person’s arms.

Paired with a soft melody set off by a piano, Goulding’s high-pitched voice sings in “Joy,” “I’ve figured out that joy is not in your arms / I know I’ll always ache with an empty heart.”

She continues on the love boat with her song “Explosions,” in which she focuses her lyrics on the ideas of love and loss. In an eerie tone, “Explosions” sends the message that it is OK to be afraid to be in a relationship, but sometimes, relationships fall apart. “Explosions on the day you wake up / Needing somebody and you’ve learned / It’s OK to be afraid / But it will never be the same,” Goulding sings. It seems themes of loving and losing someone have the most potential to pull at the heartstrings of listeners.

And with Goulding’s slightly hoarse vocals dominating the album as she settles on simple lyrics of love, loss and finding happiness, Goulding took a risk in making “Halcyon,” but in the end she hit the target.

Grade: B+