Sex, drugs and love have been a common theme in music since the day Elvis Presley started thrusting his pelvis.
So the complaints about Rihanna’s new video for “We Found Love” are antiquated and boring. In her latest video, she’s doing hard drugs and partying with a Chris Brown look-alike. It looked like a normal episode of the U.K. show, “Skins” or “Misfits.”
The video is about Rihanna finding love “in a hopeless place,” meaning amidst the hard partying and drug-use, she fell in love with a bad boy. The message of the video is a surprisingly good one. It shows a different kind of love. Not everyone falls in love at the top of the Eiffel Tower or with his or her long-lost love from childhood.
People can find love in the darkest and dirtiest of places.
The good people at say they’re concerned about what kind of message this sends to Rihanna’s younger fans. These are the same complaints she got with her “Man Down” video.
While not quite as realistic as the newest video, it still shows a darker truth about the human psyche. Although I’m sure Rihanna wasn’t trying to delve that deep, she’s just trying to come up with controversial material to promote her music. This is her right and she shouldn’t have to dull her creativity because parents are too sensitive.
I’m sorry, but the age of celebrity role models died when Britney Spears went nuts, buzzed her head and beat a car up with an umbrella. The celebrity role model doesn’t and shouldn’t exist anymore. I think parents should be the ones raising their kids and not looking to pop stars to guide their children.
That’s the reality of life. About half the kids I knew in middle school and high school were having sex, smoking weed and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.
I got offered my first cigarette when I was in fifth grade. I was 10 years old. It doesn’t make it OK, but parents need to wake up and realize that a lot of teens are doing exactly what Rihanna was “glorifying” in that video.
As the “digital native” generation, we’ve become too desensitized to the effects of a simple music video. What affects our decisions a lot of the time is our peers and home life. So if little Annie is popping pills and ends up pregnant at 16, don’t blame music videos or the media, blame yourselves, parents. I’m tired of adults viewing the younger generations as mindless drones, who run around snorting coke because they saw it in a video or on TV.
No, little Billy didn’t start smoking because Lil Wayne does it in every video and song. It’s because you are terrible parents. Assume some responsibility and stop villainizing everyone in the entertainment industry for your kids’ problems.
While I understand the concerns about younger kids watching explicit content, the solution to that problem is in the home, not within the entertainment industry.