Former Ohio State running back Jaamal Berry is to plead guilty to criminal charges from an October incident, said Robert Tobias, assistant prosecutor assigned to the
After three court continuations, the case is to be settled outside of court with a plea hearing scheduled for June 26. Berry will be on probation for one year in Ohio, will be
required to pay court fees and complete community service hours.
Tobias said Berry’s attorneys told him that Berry has returned to his home state of Florida, where he said he expects Berry will complete his community service hours
before the plea hearing.
The type of probation Berry will be under will allow him to return to Florida while still on probation in Ohio, as long as he has satisfied all other conditions before doing so.
While in Florida, Berry is “not to engage in any same or similar type behavior and to stay away from the victim,” Tobias said.
After Berry‘s pre-trial on Feb. 8, Tobias said Berry‘s defense attorney expressed Berry‘s desire to transfer to another school.
“It was told to me by the defense attorney that he was not on the team anymore and that he had a desire to relocate for school somewhere else out of state,” Tobias said.
Also after the pre-trial, Berry‘s attorney William Meeks, said Berry remained in good standing as a student and on scholarship but is no longer a part of the football team.
Tobias said he is unaware if Berry is currently enrolled in classes at OSU. Meeks did not immediately return requests for comment Tuesday.
The charges were based on an incident that occurred at 2:20 a.m. on Oct. 21 in the Arena District in downtown Columbus, involving Berry and a Columbus State
Community College student.