Despite officials saying the Carmen outage would be resolved before the end of the week, the website was still down as of Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, an official said any data lost during the outage would be from files uploaded during early November.
The website — which is used for file sharing, quizzes and grade postings between professors and students — was taken offline Sunday after a routine expansion of storage space on the website encountered an error.
Carmen was expected to come back online by Thursday, according to a Sunday release from the Office of the Chief Information Officer. The site was still down as of noon Friday, however.
An email late Friday afternoon from CIO Mike Holfherr said Carmen would be back up the same night, and said it is expected there will be “some missing files” from Nov. 3-8.
Any gaps in data from the Carmen outage would “be contained” to that week, according to an email from Katherine Keune, spokeswoman for the OCIO.
She said the team would be in a better position to understand the potential data loss next week after running Carmen testing and data validation software.
According to the status of Carmen on the OCIO’s Self Service website posted at 9 p.m. Thursday, a second option is being restored while testing and data verification is performed for the completed option.
“Each has its own risks, and rewards and we want to ensure that we restore the best possible version of Carmen,” the status reads. “We are committed to bringing Carmen back both quickly and responsibly.”
The outage is affecting some students’ studies, but a few have said they’ve enjoyed the break from homework.
“(The Carmen outage) actually pushed back a couple deadlines on my paper, so yeah, it actually helped me,” said Rob Olejniczak, a third-year in aviation.
Samantha Arthurs, a fourth-year in linguistics, said she has enjoyed the break from studying, but if the outage continues, there might be issues.
“Maybe if my teachers weren’t accommodating to it, I’d be more upset with it, but they’re all very understanding, so it hasn’t really affected me too too much,” she said. “If it continues for more than a week, it might be even more inconvenient to make up all that work, but, right now, it’s not the worst thing in the world.”
In the meantime, the OCIO has recommended ways professors can work around the Carmen outage while the website is down, including using email, Excel and Box — a separate website that offers free cloud storage and file sharing services — according to a release on its website.
Ariana Bernard contributed to this story.